Sunday, October 24, 2010

Too Much for Facebook

So, technically I wanted to write all this on facebook, but couldn't fit it in one post.  Here goes...  I have finished all costumes, EXCEPT a finishing touch for Sleeping Beauty, (2) Belle aprons, and dying Woody's yellow shirt.  All was going according to plan until around 11:30 when I heard Evie crying on the monitor and went to check on her.  Let me just say she is one of those lucky girls that doesn't get sick.  Well, usually.  It was chunky and gross.  I mean, both of us in the shower will our clothes on.  ANYWAY.  The costume making was put on hold and I am not sending her to school tomorrow.  I think maybe she just ate too much, but to make sure I will keep her home.  That also means I will not be delivering costumes tomorrow (technically today as it is 1:21 a.m.).  I will deliver all costumes on Tuesday.  This does include items for the Sock Hop.  (This means you, Mellisa Shaw, Brooke Labouve, Fonda Smith, Jennifer Abney, Julie Welch, Charla Foster, Brooke Carlile, Sara Cottrell, Kyla Burke, Reagan Foster, Kristin Skinner, and Carrie Hammack.)  If your name is not on here and you think it should be, please call me.

So far I have posted most of the pictures, but have not posted Woody vests, some initial shirts and scarves, and the remaining costumes.  I am very excited to be so close!  :) 

Okay, so now it's time to get your turkey shirt orders in!  This year I have also added pumpkins and owls.  Send me a message with the size shirt, boy or girl, color of shirt, and color scheme/theme you would like on the shirt(s).  If you would like suggestions, let me know.  I have some cute fabrics for boys too (and I don't just mean camo!).

What else?  I would love for you to make your Christmas orders also.  The sooner the better, because (as most of you have already found out) this is my busiest time of year and it will stay pretty crazy until after the first of the year.

I am excited to announce that my very first photoshoot is in the works for February!!  Stay tuned for more details.  And feel free to email or message me if you are interested in having your child model for me.

Okay, the toothpicks I had propping my eyes open just fell out, so I better go get some sleep.  I know there is something I'm forgetting, so I may update later.  Have a SWEET day!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Evie isn't feeling well. Are you dying a yellow shirt for me? I didn't remember asking for it, but you are also doing two Woody's, and I was having trouble finding one so I thought I may have asked? I'm confused, ha! Anyway, I found one, so you don't have to worry about that. May lighten your load! Hope she feels better and you get some sleep!!
