Saturday, February 19, 2011

They'll be draggin' the river, but they ain't gonna find a thing...

For some reason I am very list oriented.  I make lists of ideas, lists of things to do, lists of things we need, lists of things I want to accomplish, etc.  So, I'm sure there will be a trend in this blog (boring as it has become).  Here is a list of some things I've been thinking about lately...

1. Why is there no "Bell Pepper Powder" on the spice aisle?  I wonder this on nearly a daily basis. 

2. Why has no one opened a Concession Stand restaurant?  You know, where they serve the most nutritional nachos, hot pockets, baked potatoes, sour straws, M&Ms, popcorn etc.  They could even add in the great Fair/Festival foods such as elephant ears, funnel cakes, corndogs, curly fries...  I think I'm onto something here.

3. Where do I sign up to get Suzy Homemaker to send me her weekly lesson plans?  Does anyone have her email address?  Or maybe she's on facebook?

4. Who is this "Calgon" I keep hearing about and where are you all going?  I wanna go.

5. Why haven't I heard a great song about backporch sitting?  I'm thinking Jacob Lyda, Blake Shelton or Colt Ford needs to get on this.

6.  We found a BABYSITTER (two actually) !!!!  Woohoo!!!  I don't usually put really personal things on here, but I am VERY excited about this.  Our kids have only ever had grandparent "sitters".  Date night here we come!

Well, there you go.  Some deep thoughts for your weekend.  Enjoy!  <3