Sunday, October 24, 2010

Too Much for Facebook

So, technically I wanted to write all this on facebook, but couldn't fit it in one post.  Here goes...  I have finished all costumes, EXCEPT a finishing touch for Sleeping Beauty, (2) Belle aprons, and dying Woody's yellow shirt.  All was going according to plan until around 11:30 when I heard Evie crying on the monitor and went to check on her.  Let me just say she is one of those lucky girls that doesn't get sick.  Well, usually.  It was chunky and gross.  I mean, both of us in the shower will our clothes on.  ANYWAY.  The costume making was put on hold and I am not sending her to school tomorrow.  I think maybe she just ate too much, but to make sure I will keep her home.  That also means I will not be delivering costumes tomorrow (technically today as it is 1:21 a.m.).  I will deliver all costumes on Tuesday.  This does include items for the Sock Hop.  (This means you, Mellisa Shaw, Brooke Labouve, Fonda Smith, Jennifer Abney, Julie Welch, Charla Foster, Brooke Carlile, Sara Cottrell, Kyla Burke, Reagan Foster, Kristin Skinner, and Carrie Hammack.)  If your name is not on here and you think it should be, please call me.

So far I have posted most of the pictures, but have not posted Woody vests, some initial shirts and scarves, and the remaining costumes.  I am very excited to be so close!  :) 

Okay, so now it's time to get your turkey shirt orders in!  This year I have also added pumpkins and owls.  Send me a message with the size shirt, boy or girl, color of shirt, and color scheme/theme you would like on the shirt(s).  If you would like suggestions, let me know.  I have some cute fabrics for boys too (and I don't just mean camo!).

What else?  I would love for you to make your Christmas orders also.  The sooner the better, because (as most of you have already found out) this is my busiest time of year and it will stay pretty crazy until after the first of the year.

I am excited to announce that my very first photoshoot is in the works for February!!  Stay tuned for more details.  And feel free to email or message me if you are interested in having your child model for me.

Okay, the toothpicks I had propping my eyes open just fell out, so I better go get some sleep.  I know there is something I'm forgetting, so I may update later.  Have a SWEET day!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love, Lust & Faking It

The past couple of weeks have included a lot of late nights, early mornings, no cleaning house or doing laundry…just lots AND LOTS of tulle and hot glue. I am usually running back and forth from room to room (crafty things are in nearly every room of the house this time of year because I seem to have several costumes going at once), so this is not a good time to catch up on my All My Children or Ellen, because I don’t have time to press pause. Seriously. I am only doing this blog so I can have a break. Although I may fall asleep in the middle of it. Wow, already rambling. ALL that was to say I have been killing brain cells with lots of E! Channel and Craig Ferguson. Since I seem to have started a “list” trend in my blog, here are my top five things I’ve learned from the E! Channel and Craig Ferguson:

1. I still love Chelsea Lately. Yes, I know her last name is Handler, not Lately. That girls is fuuuunnnnaaayy.

2. Ashton Kutcher has absolutely made me want to buy a Nikon camera. Maybe two.

3. Elton John is the queen of England. (This was funnier in Craig’s joke, but you get the gist.)
4. I heard a clip of Kendra saying “I wanna live my life for me!” Buahahahahahaha! Shoulda stayed at the mansion sweetie.

5. I now need the other six books Jenny McCarthy has written. Especially her latest one. Ladies, if you didn’t catch her interview on Chelsea tonight. Seriously. I would tell you, but I’m scared my mama is reading this. Whew. Go get yourself some progesterone cream.  That is all.

Now I’m thinking of starting a “business” blog for contests and things, because I want this one just to be silly and fun. Not ALL of my customers need to know what a hot mess I am. Night.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


All I have to say today is that at my next job I will request to be paid in Llanno Sweet Red, forget the Trident Triple Layer.  Thanks.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pour Me a Vacation

Barmaid play me some Buffett. I’m in the mood to get away…..Another list. Yes, I love lists. I couldn’t decide on just ONE thing to write about, so I will just write about a few completely random, things that have nothing to do with each other.

1. What ever happened to “for better OR WORSE”? (I will not go in depth about this because it is too overwhelming, but seriously. I just think sometimes people give up too easily.)

2. I had something happen to me that has never happened before. I was literally in the middle of making a tutu while A was sleeping. All of the sudden I got a sick feeling in my stomach and started crying. Weirdest thing ever. (I found out I have an uncle with a sinus infection, so hopefully that clears up soon.) Has that ever happened to you? It was super strange to me because I recently read Jenny McCarthy’s book Louder Than Words and she talks about physically feeling herself having a seizure when her son has one - when she was in another state. Crazy.

3. I have a dear friend who is adopting a baby, which has given me a little “adoption fever”. Is there such a thing? Well, don’t get all excited. I told her I would have to get a dog. Think I finally got B talked into it, because I want the kids to have a dog that is “theirs”. As I said in my other post, I want to name our next dog Carl Wayne (from the song “White Trash Story”), but we’ll probably get a girl so I said we need to name her Sarah Anne Baker Smith (also in that song). B says that’s funny, but wants to name it “Way Cool”. Seriously. I have to say, I think it’s growing on me. I also have always wanted a little mini-Yorkie to name Hoochie Mama and call her Hooch.

4. I seriously wonder why I am putting my ridiculousness out there for the world to read. Haven’t we always heard to keep quiet and let them THINK you’re stupid, not open your mouth and let them KNOW it? Anyway.

5. I am a very non-confrontational person and do not like drama, but you know the crazies come out every once in a while. There has been a little “hot mess” going on that I have been completely flabbergasted by. Luckily a good friend sent me this verse in the midst of our mess, Proverbs 26:20, “Without wood a fire goes out and without gossip a quarrel dies down.” Very good advice.

Well, I leave you with that and say good night. I am so excited to have three whole followers.   :)

I noticed after viewing my post I use an awful lot of quotation marks, huh?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson

This one here goes out to all the babies mamas mamas… This will be my very first blog ever. I have been thinking of so many funny things this past week that I would put in a blog, if only I had one. So now I’ve created a page and cannot think of one single thing. So, I thought I would share with you my top five favorite not-so-famous singers/bands. Maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you haven’t.

1. Jason Boland & The Stragglers - If you know me, you know Jason Boland is my honest to goodness very favorite singer ever and I love every single song they sing. Also, their song “Comal County Blue” is one of Evie’s nightly ‘lullabies’.

2. Joey Green - He opened for JB&S at the Levee and told me I was hot. So I bought his CD and actually LOVE it! No kidding. Check out “Natchitoches Blues” and “Roommates”.

3. Casey Donahew Band - so good. Love “White Trash Story”. The next dog we get will be named ‘Carl Wayne.’ That’s all I’m saying.

4. JB & The Moonshine Band - okay, maybe they aren’t the greatest singers ever, but they have a song called “Your Love Makes my Sticker Peck Out”. Seriously.

5. P!nk - She sings this awesome song called “M!ssundaztood“. Okay, so she’s my girl favorite singer ever and I couldn‘t think of a fifth ‘not-so-famous‘ singer. Love love love her.

6. Okay, after I typed that I remembered Jacob Lyda. I just don’t know his songs because my CD is messed up and he told me I’d have to steal one from someone because he doesn’t have any more right now. Boo!

So, I’m sure I’m not as cool as I’d like to be and you’ve all probably heard of these singers, but I love them all the same.

That’s it for my first blog. I’m super exhausted and you’re super bored.

Night all….you’re hot mess mama.

P.S. Here are three sites I love to check 80 times a day: