Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's either in your blood or it ain't...

It's either in your blood or it ain't...

For starters, the red carpet show was beyond boring with the nerdiest hosts ever. The highlights of that hour I wasted were that Trey Fanjoy won for directing "House That Built Me" and "Who are You When I'm Not Looking". good for her. Oh, and Jennifer nettles saying she was doing to sue Justin Beiber for all the screaming. 

Boring so far...then Taylor Swift starts the awards... I'm SO OVER her. Ugh. The little Thelma & Louise spoof idea was cute, but would have been better with Miranda Lambert and Sheryl Crowe. Although, Ron White wearing one of "Alan's" shirts from hangover 2 was hilarious. Now for my random thoughts during the awards..

I wish my Kenny Rogers had never thought he needed plastic surgery. :( 

Um, this Naomi still loves her some Wynona. She even got feather extensions to try to be like me. 

Ludacris at the CMT awards?! Huh?

Good for Rascal Flatts grabbing some Beiber Fever for themselves. But GEEZ, couldn't they get him to pull up his pants?! Seriously!

The Band of my favorites.

I am not a Luke Bryan fan. Country pop sell-out is all I can think of... But, I do believe he borrowed some of Dwight Yoakam's spraypainted on pants.

Dear Hines Ward, thank you for showing me a cowboy hat cocked to one side. I have no words, but it did make me smile.

I BIG puffy heart Gary Levox.

I appreciate the artist that is John Rich, but I like him much better with a little Big Kenny by his side.

Gretchen Wilson's face does no match her body. Think she'd trade with me? Bodies, not face.

If you missed Colt Ford, I am so sorry. You should cry yourself to sleep tonight.

Sheryl Crow...can I have your legs and voice? Thanks.

Zac Brown, I gotta get me sone of those glasses. And I still just wanna squeeze you, even if you're losing weight.

Laura Bell had the best lines of the night. I wanted to post them, but I deleted the DVR too soon. Hilarious!!

Hey, girl in Lady Antebellum, dye your hair back blonde and lose the spandex. 

How cute are Lauren & Scotty?

I TOLD YOU Kristian Bush could sing!! I <3 Sugarland.

Loved KR's line about redneck mating call. He would know! I'm pretty sure he lives in Pine Hill Community. Just saying.

What a way to make an entrance Shania. She was probably smokin up with Kid Rock backstage.

Taylor Swift winning video of the year is REDONKULOUS!!!  I'm convinced only 12 year olds vote on here.

Dear Jason Aldean, WHY IN THE WORLD did you not get Colt Ford to do the rapping on the song he and Brantley Gilbert originally did together?!!!!! I am very disappointed with you tonight. You better be glad you're cute!


Please disregard any typos, as I am sending this from my phone because Cobridge has decided I can go MONTHS without Internet service because they do not feel like showing up for appointments.

Some beach...

1 comment:

  1. You should get a job with the local paper and write a column. Love you, Mom
